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First added



An implementation of the cache first request strategy.

A cache first strategy is useful for assets that have been revisioned, such as URLs like "/styles/example.a8f5f1.css", since they can be cached for long periods of time.

If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw a SerwistError exception.


  • cacheName — Cache name to store and retrieve requests. Defaults to Serwist's default cache names.
  • pluginsPlugins to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
  • fetchOptions — Options passed to non-navigation fetch() calls made by this strategy.
  • matchOptions — The CacheQueryOptions passed to any cache.match() or cache.put() call made by this strategy.


import { CacheFirst, Serwist } from "serwist";

const serwist = new Serwist({
  runtimeCaching: [
      matcher: ({ request }) => request.destination === "style",
      handler: new CacheFirst(),

More resources

Here is a list of resources you can read to learn more about CacheFirst: