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Exported values

serwist exports a few constants that you can make use of for more convenience. This includes:


    What: the default list of headers to check.

    How to use:

    import { responsesAreSame, BROADCAST_UPDATE_DEFAULT_HEADERS } from "serwist";
    declare const self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;
    const cacheName = "api-cache";
    const request = new Request("");
    const cache = await;
    const oldResponse = await cache.match(request);
    const newResponse = await fetch(request);
    if (oldResponse && !responsesAreSame(oldResponse, newResponse, BROADCAST_UPDATE_DEFAULT_HEADERS)) {
      const windows = await self.clients.matchAll({ type: "window" });
      for (const win of windows) {
        win.postMessage({ type: "CACHE_UPDATED", message: "Update now!" });