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Allows developers to copy a response and modify its headers, status, or statusText values (the valid options when constructing a Response object).

To modify these values, pass a function as the second argument. That function will be invoked with the options of the initial Response object. The return value of this function will be used as the options for the new Response object. To change the values either modify the passed parameter(s) and return it or return a totally new object.

This method is intentionally limited to same-origin responses, regardless of whether CORS was used or not.


  • response — The initial response.
  • modifier(responseInit) — The function used to modify the options of the Response object.


import { copyResponse } from "serwist";

const newResponse = copyResponse(response, (init) => {
  if (init.status === 0) {
    const headers = new Headers(init.headers);
    headers.set("X-Is-Opaque", "true");
    init.headers = headers;
  return init;