Getting started
Run the following command:
npm i -D @serwist/nuxt @serwist/vite serwist
Step 1: Add Serwist’s Nuxt module and metadata
Update or create your Nuxt configuration file with the following content:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
app: {
head: {
htmlAttrs: {
lang: "en",
dir: "ltr",
title: "Home",
titleTemplate: "%s - PWA App",
link: [
rel: "manifest",
href: "/manifest.json",
rel: "shortcut icon",
href: "/favicon.ico",
rel: "apple-touch-icon",
href: "/apple-touch-icon.png",
sizes: "180x180",
meta: [
name: "application-name",
content: "PWA App",
name: "description",
content: "Best PWA app in the world!",
name: "apple-mobile-web-app-capable",
content: "yes",
name: "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style",
content: "default",
name: "apple-mobile-web-app-title",
content: "My Awesome PWA App",
name: "format-detection",
content: "telephone=no",
property: "og:type",
content: "website",
property: "og:title",
content: "My Awesome PWA App",
property: "og:description",
content: "Best PWA app in the world!",
property: "og:site:name",
content: "PWA App",
name: "twitter:card",
content: "website",
name: "twitter:title",
content: "My Awesome PWA App",
name: "twitter:description",
content: "Best PWA app in the world!",
name: "theme-color",
content: "#FFFFFF",
devtools: { enabled: true },
modules: ["@serwist/nuxt"],
serwist: {},
Step 2: Update tsconfig.json
If you use TypeScript, you should add the following content to tsconfig.json in order to get the correct types:
// Other stuff...
"compilerOptions": {
// Other options...
"lib": [
// Other libs...
// Add this! Doing so adds WebWorker and ServiceWorker types to the global.
Otherwise, safely skip this step.
Step 3: Update .gitignore
If you use Git, update your .gitignore like so:
# Serwist
Otherwise, safely skip this step.
Step 4: Create a service worker
Basic service worker template to get Serwist up and running:
import { defaultCache } from "@serwist/vite/worker";
import type { PrecacheEntry, SerwistGlobalConfig } from "serwist";
import { Serwist } from "serwist";
// This declares the value of `injectionPoint` to TypeScript.
// `injectionPoint` is the string that will be replaced by the
// actual precache manifest. By default, this string is set to
// `"self.__SW_MANIFEST"`.
declare global {
interface WorkerGlobalScope extends SerwistGlobalConfig {
__SW_MANIFEST: (PrecacheEntry | string)[] | undefined;
declare const self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;
const serwist = new Serwist({
precacheEntries: self.__SW_MANIFEST,
skipWaiting: true,
clientsClaim: true,
navigationPreload: true,
runtimeCaching: defaultCache,
Step 5: Add a web application manifest
Update public/manifest.json with the following content:
"name": "My Awesome PWA app",
"short_name": "PWA App",
"icons": [
"src": "/icons/android-chrome-192x192.png",
"sizes": "192x192",
"type": "image/png",
"purpose": "maskable"
"src": "/icons/icon-512x512.png",
"sizes": "512x512",
"type": "image/png"
"theme_color": "#FFFFFF",
"background_color": "#FFFFFF",
"start_url": "/",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait"
Step 6: Register the service worker
Add the following content to app.vue:
<script setup lang="ts">
// @ts-check
const { $serwist } = useNuxtApp();
$serwist?.addEventListener("installed", () => {
console.log("Serwist installed!");
void $serwist?.register({ immediate: true });
<h1>Nuxt + Serwist</h1>