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Allows you to expires cached responses based on age or maximum number of entries.


  • maxEntries — The maximum number of entries to cache. Entries used least recently will be removed as the maximum is reached.
  • maxAgeSeconds — The maximum age of an entry before it's treated as stale and removed.
  • matchOptions — The CacheQueryOptions that will be used when calling delete() on the cache.

Methods and fields

  • async expireEntries() — Expires entries for the given cache and given criteria.
  • async updateTimestamp(url) — Updates the timestamp for the given URL, allowing it to be correctly tracked by the class.
  • async isURLExpired(url) — Checks if a URL has expired or not before it's used.
  • async delete() — Removes the IndexedDB used to keep track of cache expiration metadata.


import { CacheExpiration } from "serwist";

const cacheName = "my-cache";
const expirationManager = new CacheExpiration(cacheName, {
  maxAgeSeconds: 24 * 60 * 60,
  maxEntries: 20,
const openCache = await;

// Put the response into the cache.
await openCache.put(request, response);

// Update the timestamp of the request.
await expirationManager.updateTimestamp(request.url);

// Expire entries that have reached max age.
await expirationManager.expireEntries();